The best cleaning supplies and materials are a must-have in every home. Having the right products can help you get the work done easily and without much scrubbing. However, not all cleaning supplies and materials are good for the home.
At RapidClean, we provide a range of cleaning supplies that are eco-friendly, efficient and easy to use. From all-purpose cleaners to vacuums, mops and spray cleaners. With over 65 stores in Australia and New Zealand, you can be sure that we have got you all covered.
That said, below is a list of must-have cleaning supplies for stress-free cleaning in your home and office.

5 Must-Have Cleaning Supplies For Every Home
Below are different categories of cleaning supplies that you need to keep your environment squeaky clean.
Cleaning Accessories
This set of cleaning supplies are mostly used for manual cleaning and washing of window and floor surfaces. Ranging from brooms, brush wares, dusters, mops, wipes, cloths, sponges, scourers, carts and accessories, buckets, spray bottles and triggers.
Cleaning Equipment
We stock a variety of affordable cleaning equipment that is efficient, easy to use and durable. The equipment can provide a deep cleaning of your environment to get rid of all kinds of dust and dirt.
Equipment can include; carpet cleaners, pressure washers, washroom supplies, scrubbers, steam cleaners, vacuums and more! Helping you achieve stress-free cleaning.
Cleaning Solutions
At RapidClean, we offer the best eco-friendly cleaning solutions, made from biodegradable materials. Our solutions are harmless, yet strong enough to dissolve the toughest stain and keep your environment clean.
They include multi-purpose detergents, air fresheners, hard floor cleaners, vinegar, fabric softeners, soaker, stain removers, industrial cleaning solutions, etc.
Pest Control
Whether you want to repel pests or fumigate your home, we provide the best pest control solutions. We offer a huge range of pest control supplies to keep your home comfortable and free from pests.
Waste Management
Cleaning and scrubbing are not enough to keep the home clean without proper waste management. Waste management aids reduce the spread of germs in the home or office and helps for proper evacuation. We provide waste management supplies to help keep your home clean and free of waste.
That said, it is also good to note that you don’t have to buy all items on the list. The most important factor is that you have the essential products and materials.
If you are looking for guidance, click here to get in touch with any of our experts.
Happy cleaning!