Bio Enzymes Odour Eater

Sizes: 1l, 5l


50 billion enzyme producing bacteria in every litre

Pet safe and People Safe

Environmentally friendly

Long shelf life

Safe on most surfaces

BioEnzymes Odour Eater contains only good bacteria, in this case, they are special bacteria designed to remove stubborn odours and stains using natural bio-enzymatic reactions.

When the bacteria in AirX Odour Eater come into contact with organic matter, they act like sponges to absorb it.

The enzymes produced by the bacteria liquefy and then literally digest the matter as their food. No by-products are produced by this process except harmless carbon dioxide and water.

The bacteria in Odour Eater are living organisms and need food to grow and multiply. Once they contact organic matter, they go to work digesting otherwise impossible to remove odours and stains. AirX Odour Eater eliminates odours and stains more effectively because every litre is certified to contain at least 50 Billion bacteria.

There’s no heat generated to cause leaking pipes. No solvents to dissolve the backing of carpets or to craze plastics. No acids to etch floors or the grouting around the toilets and urinals.



Digests foul odours: in and around urinals and toilet fixtures, chemical toilets and waste containers etc; in urinal drains and traps; in carpets, upholstery and fabrics

In animal pens, cages and runways. Removes stains from urine, faeces vomit blood, wine, coffee and other organic matter. Boosts bio-cycle systems for households.


To digest foul odours around urinals & toilets etc –

Dilute Odour Eater with water and use to clean contaminated area. While the surface is still wet, spray with full strength Odour Eater. Continue using daily until odours are digested, then use weekly or monthly.

To digest odours in urinal traps – Initially, when urinal will not be used for a while, add Odour Eater at the recommended rate.

To digest odours in carpets & upholstery – Dilute Odour Eater at the recommended rate. Test fibres for colourfastness. If colourfast, use the solution to clean soiled area.

After cleaning, spray with full strength Odour Eater. Rinse with water and then blot up or pick up with a wet vac.